In Bracciano (Lazio) Italy – Yoga Teachers’ Training Course

From August 3 to September 1, 2019

Arrival date: August 3 2019

Inauguration date: Sunday, August 4 at 7 PM

Departure date: Sunday, September 1, 2019

Swami Vishnudevananda was the first yoga master in the West to develop a training programme for yoga teachers. In 1969, he taught the first Sivananda Yoga Teachers’ TrainingCourse (TTC) in Canada, continuing the training programmes offered by the Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy of the Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh, India. Since then, over 40,000 certified yoga teachers have completed the Teachers’ Training Course, with another 1,000 graduates each year.

The goal of this training programme is to produce qualified and inspiring yoga teachers who are able to draw on their own practice and personal discipline in imparting the yoga experience to others.

Swami Vishnudevananda retained India’s traditional Gurukula teaching system in which students and teachers live together in an ashram (centre for yoga and meditation). Through the direct contact with experienced teachers, the student’s day-to-day life during the course is transformed into a learning experience. Students advance both physically and mentally and enjoy a comprehensive yoga experience, which they can later transmit to their own students. In efforts to create the most favorable conditions possible, this training is offered as an intensive course in an ashram.

Certified by the worldwide Yoga Alliance for the 200 hours standard for Registered Yoga Schools (RYS).


The curriculum is based on the five points of yoga, which can be understood as the practical application of the traditional four paths of yoga.

The intensive daily schedule includes two meditation sessions, two yoga classes, two lectures, and one hour of service to the ashram community. One day a week is lecture-free.


A daily teaching practice class is devoted to teaching you how to teach asanas and pranayama. A daily asana practice class gives you the opportunity to practice your own asanas and will help to build the good habit of practice. The daily in-depth practice with individual corrections comprises:

Sun salutation
12 basic yoga postures
100 asana variations, from intermediate level to advanced

Postural alignment

Deep relaxation with autosuggestion

Release of blocked energy

Training sessions for all age groups



Control emotions

Improve power of concentration

Rid the body of excess fat

Enhance physical fitness

Relieve chronic ailments such as constipation, rheumatism, stomach complaints

Stimulate circulation

Stabilize thyroid functions

Keep muscles youthful and supple into old age



Expands capacity of the lungs

Relaxes the nervous system

Balances the two hemispheres of the brain

Purifies the nadis (subtle energy channels)

Awakens the inner spiritual energy

Kapalabhati (lung cleansing exercise)

Anuloma Viloma (alternate nostril breathing)

Ujjayi, Surya Bheda, Bhastrika, Sitali, Sitkari, Bhramari

Samanu (mental cleansing of the nadis)

The three bandhas: Jalandhara, Moola, Uddiyana


Tratak, Neti, Kapalabhati, Dhauti, Nauli and Basti: six classical purification exercises for the eyes, nose, air passages, esophagus and stomach, abdominal organs and large intestine. Explanation and demonstration of the exercises and their effects. Individual instruction


Introduction to the major body systems

The effects of asanas and pranayama on: the cardiovascular system, respiration, digestion, skeletal and muscular systems, endocrine system

The eight systems of the body

Yoga and physical culture

Diet and nutrition



The law of action and reaction

The law of compensation

The law of retribution

Destiny and self-effort



How to teach the 12 basic postures and breathing exercises to beginners and intermediate students

Setting up of a proper environment for class

General pointers on teaching a class

The Basic Sivananda class

Beginners’ Course

Advanced Postures

Yoga for Children

Yoga for Older Citizens

Yoga for Pregnancy


Detailed correction workshops

In the second half of the training course, participants will teach each other under the guidance of an experienced instructor



Vegetarianism – for ethical, spiritual and health reasons

How diet affects the mind

Proper balance of the main nutrients

Ayurvedic principles of nutrition

Healing effects of fasting



Guide to meditation

What is meditation

Why meditate

Physical and mental meditation

12-step daily practice

Effects of and experiences in meditation

Mantras – spiritual energy in sound

Mantra initiation (if desired)



Ethical and moral principles

Body – prana (life energy) – mind

From control over the body to control over the mind and meditation



Ashtanga – the 8 steps of yoga

Antahkarana – functions of the mind

Concentration and meditation



The Absolute and how it manifests itself in nature

Macrocosms & microcosms

The 7 Chakras

The awakening of cosmic energy



Kirtan: chanting of classical Sanskrit mantras

Indian gods and their cosmic meaning

Arati and Pujas (traditional Indian rituals)

Chanting opens the heart and purifies the mind. With daily chanting, you develop a strong feeling of devotion and a very pure vibration. In devotional chanting correct pronunciation, devotional attitude and awareness of meaning are all-important.



Karma yoga is the practice of selfless service and helps to reduce selfishness and egoism and keeps you fit and healthy and gives immeasurable joy

You will be asked to do various tasks within the Ashram setting including gardening, cooking, cleaning, office work and any other work necessary for the smooth running of the community

The law of cause and effect

Samsara – the wheel of birth and death

Karma Yoga – selfless service: one hour daily in the ashram community



Basic concepts of Vedanta philosophy

The 7 Bhoomikas or planes of consciousness

Space, time, causation

The 3 bodies

The 3 levels of the mind

Conquest of death



Considered one of the greatest spiritual texts of the world, the Bhagavad Gita contains subtle and profound teachings and has a universality, which embraces every aspect of human actions. It symbolizes the solution of the eternal struggle between the spiritual and the material in every human being

Study of both the text and Swami Sivananda’s commentary



5:30 am: Wake up

6:00 am: Satsang (Meditation, chanting, lecture)

8:00 am: Asanas

10:00 am: Brunch

11:00 am: Karma Yoga (helping out with chores)

12:00 pm: Bhagavad Gita or Kirtan

2:00 pm: Main lecture in philosophy or anatomy

4:00 pm: Asanas and pranayama

6:00 pm: Dinner

7:30 pm: Satsang (Meditation, chanting, lecture)

10:00 pm: Lights out


Satsang means being in companionship with the truth and with the wise. The course satsang consists of half an hour silent meditation, half an hour chanting and a talk or reading on aspects of yoga philosophy. It will help you to develop a strong and steady meditation practice and show you the way to peace and happiness.


A high degree of self-motivation is required for all aspects of the course. A basic knowledge of yoga postures and philosophy is helpful but not essential. A sincere desire to learn and openness to the teachings of yoga is required.

The practice and especially the teaching of yoga demand a high degree of self-discipline and purity. To ensure the success of the programme, participants are required to attend all spiritual activities, meditation sessions, lectures and asana classes.

Meat, fish, eggs, black tea, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, drugs and nudity are prohibited during the course as they are counterproductive to the yoga practice. Participants who do not comply with the ashram rules may be dismissed from the course. Unfortunately, it is not possible to cater to personal dietary preferences beyond the yogic-vegetarian meals.



2 yoga pants, 2 t-shirts

TTC manual


The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga by Swami Vishnudevananda, Three Rivers Press

Bhagavad Gita with a commentary by Swami Sivananda, the Divine Life Trust Society

Yoga mat, cushion, blanket, Kriya set


Yoga – Your Home Practice Companion by Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Dorling Kindersley

Sivananda Beginner’s Guide to Yoga by Sivananda Yoga Centre, Gaia Books

Yoga Mind & Body by Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, Dorling Kindersley

Meditation and Mantras by Swami Vishnudevananda, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers

These can be purchased at any of our Centres or Ashrams.


Comfortable as well as warm clothing

Notebook, torch (flashlight)

Sandals or slippers for indoors, walking shoes

Towel, toiletries, Neti pot


Borgo Paola located in Pisciarelli, a small village near Bracciano, 40 km from Rome and the beautiful forest of the Orsini-Odescalchi’s Castle borders it. An ideal location that is suitable Yoga and meditation practice. Behind a large, lush park, the place offers a beautiful swimming pool for the summer, a bioenergetic garden, as well as two large rooms for practice.


Students are responsible for making their own way to the Course.

Borgo Paola is about 40 km from Rome and about 45 km from Fiumicino – Leonardo da Vinci International Airport.

CAR: You can either take the Aurelia state motorway and turn off at the junction for Bracciano, or the Cassia state motorway and follow the signs for the lake, or even the Cassia Veientana that you take from the Grande Raccordo Anulare, direction Viterbo.

TRAIN: about a one-hour journey from Roma Ostiense or Roma Tiburtina station.

We recommend the use of a car as Borgo Paola is not along a main road. If necessary, we can arrange transport for pick-up and drop-off transfers.

Borgo Paola

Viale del Micciaro 11/b

Pisciarelli, Lazio, Italy


Click here to download the application forms

Fill and sign the application forms and send then by email to with a copy of the bank transfer of the deposit of 30% of the totalcost according to the accommodation that you chose. Balance is due four weeks before the beginning of the course.

The payment of the deposit and balance is done by Bank transfer

Bank Transfer:

Account Name: Centro Yoga Sivananda Vedanta
IBAN:  IT35Y0335901600100000144048
Write: Teachers’ Training Course and full name of the participant.

The course fees include the Course, food and board, the manual and the uniform.
All payments are done in Euro in cash:
The course registration fee is € 30 to be pay upon arrival in cash
Other (optional) payments include: laundry, boutique, kriyas kit: € 12.50.
Transportation is available from the train station to the venue, the cost is € 10 and its done upon previous request.
During the course we can accept only cash.

€ 2500 in tent
€ 2750 in dormitory
€ 2980 in triple room with bathroom inside the room
€ 3400 in double room with bathroom inside the room

Special prices for students and unemployed, please contact

Books used during the course:
“The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga” by Swami Vishnudevananda “The New Book of Yoga/The Sivananda Companion to Yoga” or “Yoga Your Home Practice Companion” “The Bhagavad Gita” with commentary by Swami Sivananda. These books are available at our centres and Ashrams. Also: yoga mat, meditation cushion (available in our boutique), towel, writing-pad and pens, blanket, flashlight, warm and comfortable clothes, slippers and comfortable shoes for walking. Please note that the kriya material is not included in the course fee. At the initiation ceremony you will be given the Sivananda manual for Yoga Teachers, two pairs of yoga trousers and two t-shirts. Our boutique will be open daily for books, CDs, yoga clothing, mats, cushions and other items.

For accommodation in tent you must bring your own tent and tarp sleeping bag and blankets.